From food safety instruction and wellness tune-ups to recipes and cooking methods plans geared toward specific health issues, I offer a wide range of food coaching options. Opt for one, or combine several into a package that works best for you.

Let me help your employees focus on wellness, with talks designed to promote healthier living – and easy homemade recipes to follow.

Get personalized lessons or coaching for you and your friends – the perfect way to improve your skills in a relaxed setting!

Reinforce your curriculum with practical classes focusing on health & nutrition, digestion, and foods from around the world.
Why not tailor my services to the needs of you or your company? Get in touch today!

Wellness Consultation
Ati will meet at your home, or office—or by phone or zoom.

Food Shopping 101
Learn how to navigate the food aisles and interpret their labels.

Cooking Workshops
Ati will teach you how to make healthy meals that relfect your food preferences, lifestyle, traditions and taste.

Food Storage & Safety
Learn how to safely prepare and store food.

Diet Optimization
Learn how to fine-tune and balance your diet to maximize energy and boost immunity.

Cancer + Chemo Support
Ati can help you navigate the many side effects while undergoing chemo and radiation treatments.

Medical Collaboration
Ati will work with your medical caregivers to help you implement dietary protocols in a way that is easy and delicious.

Digestive Support
Ati can help you navigate food allergies and other sensitivities to help you craft menus you’ll love.

Dining Out Healthy
Learn how to eat right when eating out.